Thursday, January 31, 2008
We're Engaged!
I promptly said, "YES...did you ask my Dad if it's OK?" He said that he asked my whole family before Christmas. So, some Johnson's can keep a secret! hehehe
Gerry thinks we should get married in 2012. hehehe Really, we are thinking of getting married maybe this August. We're not sure of any details, but we'll let you know. :o)
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The Story of the Log...

So, recently, David ran out one evening to run some errands, and I decided to give the kids a bath. Everything was going were getting clean and having fun. I took Nyah out of the tub and got her dressed in her room, strapped her on the changing table, and went to fetch Levi. As I entered the bathroom, Levi was putting a very, very large, hmmm, shall we say "log" up on the tub shelf, next to two smaller ones which had evidently made their appearance to the world first.
My initial thought was "how the heck did something that big come out of something so small?!" But since I now know that child birth is possible, I figured it could happen and moved on to my next thought: "what the heck do I do with the logs?" No one ever taught me about this...
Needless to say, I grabbed some TP, gaggingly placed the logs into the toilet and flushed them farewell. I put Levi on the floor wrapped in a towel, as I quickly and, again, gaggingly, cleaned the tub, refilled it and placed a now crying Levi back into the water. At this point, Nyah is crying, too, and David walks in asking how my night has been!
I love being a mom! :)
Friday, January 04, 2008
Baby Girl (maybe) for Holli & Ben

Cousin Kim did an ultrasound on Wednesday and is pretty sure we'll be having a girl! (Tara also agrees.) Our little one was too modest to show us everything, so we'll find out for sure at my next appointment. At least she was acting like a lady. We're due on June 23, 2008. Grandma and Grandpa are SO excited for their first grandbaby!