Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Shameless plug...with pictures!

Hi family!

I'm in my 5th week of teaching (wow!) in Arizona, and all is going well! I have amazing kids and am loving teaching. The parents are, for the most part, really supportive (except for the few that are overly involved and like to act like 3rd grade is the be and end all in their child's lives).

The reason this is a shameless plug is this: Arizona is not the best state at giving teachers what they need to teach. I've spent hundreds of dollars on my classroom already and would like some more things to make it an even better environment. I've set up this website where you can adopt a classroom. If you would like to, you can donate money online and I can use it for my classroom. Please don't feel like you have to, but I thought I would ask just in case you want to help out. Any donation, no matter how small will help out. Things that I want aren't too expensive until you buy 30 of them. I appreciate anything at all! Here's the link: http://adoptaclassroom.org/adoption/Locator_Adopt_Donate.aspx?ClassroomID=75698&schoolID=96875

As far as living in AZ goes, it's pretty good. I'm adjusting to the heat (especially since it's cooled off to 105 instead of 117) and the traffic pretty well. I've made some friends (mostly teachers) and recently found an awesome church that I will get more involved with. Thank you for all of your prayers! Living here is nice, but I know I won't stay here forever (my parents and siblings are all very happy about that!).

Finally, here's some pictures of my classroom and of some scenery that I get to see everyday. Remember, visitors are always welcome!

My drive home from school...mountains and sunsets

One of the views from my balcony...palm trees and mountains :)

The view from my classroom door. We have outdoor hallways. This is just one of the 4 "quads" at our K-8 school (it's a pretty big campus!!)

My classroom. The orange square in the right corner of the picture is a Detroit Tigers towel. Gotta represent :)

One of my 4 enormous bulletin boards

Your classroom looks awesome! Congratulations on surviving the first part of school.
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