Friday, January 04, 2008


Baby Girl (maybe) for Holli & Ben

Cousin Kim did an ultrasound on Wednesday and is pretty sure we'll be having a girl! (Tara also agrees.) Our little one was too modest to show us everything, so we'll find out for sure at my next appointment. At least she was acting like a lady. We're due on June 23, 2008. Grandma and Grandpa are SO excited for their first grandbaby!

She's adorable Holli and Ben! Congratulations!
What a great pic of your little girl!!! :)
She looks just like you Holli!
ok so here is what needs to happen to little lisa. tell her to come out the 19th of june (early for you) and then we can share a name AND a birthday. sounds like a great plan to me :)
Can't wait to meet my tiny niece Chauncie B-B-B-Billups Karrer. :)
I'm excited to be an aunt! If you go a little bit earlier she can share my birthday of the 10th. HOWEVER, I'm totally selfish and wouln't like to share my thunder, so make sure you carry her full term! :o)
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