Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Jerry Johnson...car dealer?!!

Jerry Johnson...that's my Dad! I knew he was a man of many talents, but a car dealer?! When he bought his latest car, the Tahoe, he was saying he needed something to make his stand out from all the others the same color.
While I was driving around in Wilmington, I noticed a dealer sticker on a car...none other than Jerry Johnson! I told Dad about it. He emailed the company and asked to have that sticker for his cars. Just the other day I called Dad while I was in Lumberton, NC after visiting "his" car lot. I told him I took some pictures with my palm pilot of "his" car dealership to prove the place existed and to show him what his truck can look like with his name on it. The dealership was closed (on a Saturday) so I could not get a sticker for him. He said that the dealership not only sent him 2 stickers for his cars, but also a license plate. He has proudly displayed this on the front of his Tahoe! So when you see him driving his Tahoe around town look for the license plate telling you if it's him! :o)

Good work Tanya! Way to go Uncle Jerry, I think that you're a FANTASTIC car dealer!
I think Dad should post a story about how he found the Tahoe. Way to go Dad!
What a great find Tanya! I must say that even without the sticker, Dave saw Uncle Jerry driving down the highway. He knew it was him because Jerry just happened to be pulling my mom and dad's Aljo trailer behind it. He saw the trailer and thought it looked really familiar, and he knew Jerry just got a tahoe (on E-bay from Florida).
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