Sunday, November 26, 2006
My family loves tradition. Tradition is when you do the same things that you have always done just because that is what you have always done. When we lived in Kalamazoo we would get our christmas tree at a little lot in the country where Jackie's sister Janet got hers. For a few years after we moved to Holland we would still go all the way back to that little lot to get our tree because, by golly, they had great trees there. Finally they stopped selling trees so we found a farm almost to Grand Haven, which we utilized for about 10 years (not counting the disaster year when we took the kids out to fresh cut a tree). When we got there kinda late one year and they were out of good trees we found something a little closer to home, but not too close. Eventually we realized that it was not a sin to buy a tree within 3 miles of our house and we modified our tradition.
Every year, me being a dyed in wool procrastinator, and because of TRADITION, we wait until about 2 weeks before Christmas before we select and put up our tree. But not this year! This year there is a contest and so purely as an encourgement to all of you we completly broke the mold and got our tree today. That is me with today's GR Press as proof. Remember, submit your entries for "Best Looking Christmas Tree" between December 15 and 20. I might not win this year as it seems that the award for "Best Looking Guy Standing Next To An Extremly Early Christmas Tree Raising" is already in the bag.
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I think Christmas tree angels made by Aunt Jackie should receive bonus points. We'll upload our image just in time to steal the prize!!
Dad - I am just glad you did not put the tree up a few days earlier when on the front page of the GR Press was the picture of the shooting that happened in our church parking lot!
Geez, Bob...I didn't know getting a perfect Christmas tree was such a big deal We got ours out in the side yard for years (we couldn't afford to buy one)!! Some of them were "Charlie Brown" tree's but the kids didn't care as long as there were gifts under it Christmas morning. Are you a tinsel type guy or not. Rick is and I'm not so every other year we put on tinsel. Now, sometimes we buy our tree at the Boy Scouts (before it's illegal to buy from them)or sometimes at local tree farms (we are in the country ya know)! I know ours is the greatest because it has Jackie's finest "Angel" on the top. Even God loves the "Jackie Angels" on everyone's tree's. Good luck with your contest. I'm not joining in cuz I'm a sore loser! Jill
Jill, the adjective "perfect" when considering a Christmas tree means Charlie Brown, boy scout scotch pine missing half the back, stupid sock ornaments that go on every year because Eric made it in 1st grade, krinkled up tinsel from your first tree, and wire from ceiling to top of tree to A) hold it straight B) keep it from falling. Maybe a Jackie angel will influence the judging, or maybe it will be like the story of the little match girl who lights her last match to keep warm on a zero degree night, then phoof, oh I forgot what happened ? ? ?. Anyway, We all would love to see your tree, and, you never know.
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