Saturday, July 29, 2006


Seattle WA & Portland OR!

It's was GREAT to be able to visit cousin Pam on my latest vacation! Gerry and I were in Seattle WA and Portland OR.

I visited my friend whose husband is in the Army and is relocating from Seattle to Germany for three years. Gerry came and met me and we visited his brother and sister-in-law who live in Seattle as well! So we spent lots of time in Seattle and then ventured down to Portland to visit Gerry's sister and cousin Pam!

Pam and Greg were able to meet us for lunch so she could continue to feed that baby of hers!!!!!! She is so cute prego and I'm absolutely sure that it will be a beautiful baby girl! (I'm sure the name will come, hopefully before she's born! hehehe!) We had to get a photo so everyone in the family can see her expanded belly! Pam & Greg, thanks for meeting us, it was GREAT seeing you both again. Sorry but Greg is not prego or a woman and therefore did not get to participate being in the picture! :o)

When we toured Seattle we had plenty of people to show us around. We were able to see Mt. Ranier (this is on a lake in Mt. Ranier pictured Left below), Pikes Market with the fish throwing (see pict on the right below), the original Starbucks, the Space Needle, and a whale watching tour! This picture I included I took myself from a boat...boy Orca whales are beautiful to see roaming about in the ocean!!!!!

One of the coolest things about the trip (after seeing the whales) was seeing the Mariners play the Red Sox. Our seats were 24 rows directly behind home plate! Needless to say it's nice to have people who know people! We also got a great behind the scenes tour of the stadium! These pictures show the stadium at night time and also of me taking some numbers off the scoreboard! We were able to see the President's suite, the bull pen and everything else. I highly recommend it!

I think the whole family should go and visit Portland and Seattle to see Pam and Greg!!!!! ;o)

That sounds like it was such an amazing trip!! I'm so jealous! How did you get the behind the scenes tour of the stadium?
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