Saturday, July 22, 2006

There is an old saying describing cooperative ventures - "You scratch my back, I'll scratch your back". But you will notice, as the photo clearly shows, these ventures rarely end up equal.
Becky (company A) started scratching Missy's (company B) back at Missy's request, under the assumption that she would in turn receive a back scratch from Missy. Carrie (company C 1), seeing that she was getting left out of a good thing, positioned herself (with wimpering pleas) to take advantage of a half scratch, which was better than a no scratch. James (company C 2) analized the situation and positioned himself to get a full scratch, without having to reciprocate, thus diluting companies B reward, who, by the way, was now only getting a half scratch. Raleigh (company C 3), wanting to maintain good relations with companies C 1 and C 2, positioned herself accordingly, and got rewarded with a half scratch from company C 1. Notice, not a full scratch, as that would dilute the asset that C 1 gained from her reception of a half scratch. As it turned out, company A almost went out of business, not receiving said return on investment from companies B or C 1 after it was announced that dinner was ready . Fortunately for company A, her return on investment was recorded on another ledger, as it is more blessed to give than to receive.
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Company C1 really enjoyed the back scratch from Company A (who is a great back scratcher) but Company C1 would have enjoyed it much better if Company B had not complained to the company president and joined the company meeting - I guess it is the same as in business - the squeeky wheel does get the grease.
i think company A should just scratch with her new diamond ring, causing any other company to not like the back scratch and not position themselves to get one anymore :)
Company Missy had the monolpoly on the Becky backscratch market until Company Carrie (aka "the Trustbuster") ruined everything!!!
Company A was running a non-for-profit, until the time when resources were exhausted in the Michigan branch of the company. Unfortunately at this point, no one has "backed" the project in Michigan and Company A has had to suspend activities at this locatino until further notice. We regret to inform you of this inconvenience, however the Milwaukee branch is still open for business if any companies are willing to travel for services rendered.
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