Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Yup, you read that right---the newly named Lisa Heeter is officially pregnant! (or preggers as my girlfriends call it).

We just found out and I am probably only 2-3 weeks along, but we are still super excited! I had been feeling all weird the past couple of weeks and was way late so I decided what the heck, I will just try a pregnancy test.

So, after dinner last night Todd was playing a video game and I took the test, came out of the bathroom and proceeded to say, "Um babe, I just peeed on a stick and I am pregnant."---he then stated "TAKE ANOTHER ONE!" So we went up to Walmart and I took two more and they couldn't have come back quicker with a postive result I swear :)

We hadn't been really trying, but were not trying to prevent things either so we are just so excited and can't wait to see you all again soon!

And as soon as we find out what the sex is, we will for sure spread the news!

Woo hoo---the Johnson clan is getting bigger by the day!

Congratulations Lisa and Todd!! I'm so excited for you guys!
Yippee! I can't wait to meet my cousin! Wow...Mommy and Daddy will be an aunt and uncle...they are really excited too! Congrats, Uncle Todd and Aunt Lis!
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Congratulations!!! How exciting!
Congrats Todd & Lisa. What great news!
That's awesome. Congratulations!
Yeah!!! We are so happy for the two of you. You will soon learn the joys or parenthood. Congrats!
Congrats! I'm excited for you and a little jealous :)
i'm so fricken excited for you guys!!! yay for more nieces and nephews! can't wait to be an aunt for the second time :)
AAAAAAAAgh! Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you! Are you excited to be parents?
Missy, we are geeked! Todd already talks to my stomach---its hilarious! I have my first appointment on 7/17/06 so that is exciting and hopefully I will be more at ease once they check for the heartbeat and such.

Hope you had a nice 4th!! Talk with you soon!
A very big congrats from us! I say... go for twins, or even triplets. You can do it! Oh and thanks for making Kristen an Aunt, she will love it!
Wow, what great news! You guys are going to have a beautiful little one to add to the Johnson clan! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
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