Wednesday, April 26, 2006


multiple sclerosis walk

This is Heidi writing on Kristen's name because I forgot all of my info that will allow me to write under my name eventhough Missy wrote it on a piece of paper and told me not to lose it.

To all who missed my last posting, I am raising money to benefit the research and search for a cure for m.s. I'm doing it for Tony of course so pleeeeeeeeease send us all your extras (ha ha). Seriously though if you are interested in helping you can send a check to my house @
1497 East G Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49004.

The walk is on Saturday May 13th. It's tax deductable and greatly appreciated. Make the checks out to The National M.S. Society. Upon request I can send you a reciept. Thanks for your support. We really appreciate it.

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